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Vertical acid pumps more details of exposure: more intuitive menu function

Source:Jiekai Industrial Equipment Co.,Ltd.Update time:2012-12-30Read:7086
Time of Beijing of dispatch of sina science and technology on August 30th before dawn message, Microsoft Project Management Director Alex? Simmons ( Alex Simons ) today published blog article, revealed that the vertical acid pumps operating system in more detail, one of the most notable feature is the "Ribbon " interface is widely used.
Vertical acid pumps resource manager in the window above to form display many commonly used functions, such as the " copy ", " paste " and "cut ", is convenient for users to find, use of these functions. In Windows 7 and earlier versions of the Windows system, these features are often to sub menu displays, user needs through two clicks to finish. New user interface will undoubtedly enhance the user experience.
The interface design is referred to as "Ribbon ", initially applied to the Office 2007 software package, Office 2010 continued the practice, Windows 7 is partially adopted. Microsoft program in vertical acid pumps in the full integration of the interface.
Vertical acid pumps expressed in the articles, survey, users of the most commonly used Windows Explorer menu function is " paste ", followed by " property ", " copy ", " delete ", " renamed ", " Refresh " and " shear ". 10 of the most commonly used menu function accounted for 81.8% of total use, as " Ribbon " interface is widely used to lay the foundation.